Our Curriculum
Please read this page to learn about our program and teaching philosophies.

Philosphy, Goals, Objectives
The Purpose School provides a safe, nurturing, enriching environment for young children. Our developmentally appropriate curriculum and theme-based activities are designed to foster growth in the areas of social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development. At Purpose School, children are encouraged to learn through child-centered participatory play. Our curriculum offers a balance between planned teacher-initiated activities and planned free choice activities set up daily in the classroom environment. The teacher serves as a resource by preparing an environment that is conducive to learning. Children are encouraged to experiment and are given a choice of materials that will expand their thinking and instill confidence in their level of competence. The teacher helps the children define the limits of their behavior and guides them in forming their interpersonal and group skills. Through a widely integrated curriculum, children will learn to work comfortably in both group and individual settings. Each child is recognized as individually unique. Children are treated at all times with dignity and respect.

Learning Environment
The learning environment is designed with special equipment and materials to allow each child to:
* Develop a sense of security and feelings of positive self-esteem
* Develop attention span and ability to follow through on a task
* Develop a range of motor skills (fine and gross)
* Develop and enhance language skills and literacy
* Develop readiness skills for math, science, reading, etc.
* Interact with children and adults
* Learn about and explore their emerging world and the world of others
* Engage in self-expression through music, dance, dramatic play and art
* Develop pro-social body control and social skills
* Assist with the development of executive functioning skills and self help
Purpose School is committed to a developmentally appropriate curriculum. Each school day is structured to provide learning through play and child-centered activity. Educational themes provide the vehicle for this learning. Learning centers such as art, blocks, dramatic play, sensory tables, manipulatives, writing and reading are available as choices during the session. Language and literacy are developed through picture books, stories, puppets, poems, finger plays songs, book making, story charts and a print rich environment.
Purpose School follows the standards and criteria as set forth by the Massachusetts Department of Education. These standards and criteria can be found in the state's "Guidelines for Preschool Learning" booklet. They are part of the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks, ensuring the continuity of curriculum from preschool into kindergarten and the public school system.

Fellowship Hall Activities
Purpose School uses Fellowship Hall as an indoor gross motor room during inclement weather. This large room provides space for a wide variety of activities.
Activities and materials may include:
Catching, throwing, and kicking balls of many sizes
Playing baseball, basketball, kickball
Riding, racing floor scooters
Obstacle courses
Parachute games
Balance beam
Bean bag toss
Marching bands with musical instruments
Gross motor games
Fellowship Hall is also used for the many enrichment activities and family programs that are scheduled through the year.

Enrichment Programs

Enrichment Programs
The Purpose School offers many Enrichment Programs throughout the school year, due to the jump start donations that fully support the enrichment fund. Below is a listing of some of the different enrichment programs that the children enjoy each year:
* Kidzfun fitness program by Theresa McLennan
* Big Joe the storyteller
* Music with Mr. Darren
* Music with Mr. Steve
* Wiggles and Giggles
* Pumpernickel Puppets
* Lyndsay's Puppet Pals
* Rainforest Reptiles

Gross Motor Activities
During gross motor activities the children develop large motor skills and enhance group play while interacting with the outdoor environment. Activities include swinging, running, jumping, sliding, rolling, structured games on the grass, nature studies and observations.
We use the fenced-in town playground "Munchkin Park" located directly behind Town Hall. All students wear an orange vest while outside taking a community walk or at the playground. We use a rope with loop handles while walking to the park or walking around the Purpose School community.
We also spend a lot of time outside in our own fenced in outdoor classroom. We have three outdoor play kitchens, with play food and dishes and other creative props for endless imaginary play. We also have tables, sandbox, balls, trucks and other gross motor activities available to our students.
We also have a large indoor gross motor room that we use when the bad weather keeps us inside.